Strategies from the Field
The NCTN Promising Practice Series presents detailed descriptions of strategies from the field that are designed to promote the successful transition of students from adult basic education to postsecondary education and training.
Career Planning for SUCCESS
At SUCCESS, the career-planning component is integrated into the college transition program. For their final project, students produce PowerPoint presentations describing their career-planning processes.
GED Bridge to College Careers Program
At LaGuardia Community College, the Bridge to College Careers Program is an intensive 14-week program that serves adults, ages 19 and older, and integrates GED preparation with rigorous college-level material using a career-focused curriculum. Contextualized coursework investigates themes in health care or business, and the world of work, and is designed as a springboard to either college or vocational training.
Integrating Core College and Career Readiness Skills
In order to provide more consistency in the educational services that are delivered across all the departments, Jewish Vocational Services (JVS) planned a series of staff workshops lead by department managers and identified a set of Core Skills that all education and training departments must address, instructors and coaches alike, appropriate to the skill level of their particular students or clients. These were defined as the common skills sets that all adult learners need regardless of which JVS program they’re enrolled in and at what level they enter. The Core Skills are the foundational skills that support the students immediate and long-term goals.
New Roots to Employment: Hybrid Career Readiness Program for English Language Learners with College Degrees
New Roots to Employment is an innovative ESOL program that blends distance learning, classroom work, and job search activities designed to meet the educational and employment needs of immigrants’ with college degrees and professional backgrounds from their native countries and help them reclaim their careers.