Generating Knowledge & Expertise
The NCTN partners with adult education, workforce, and community organizations and college systems from across the country to incubate and pilot innovations in policy, provide technical assistance, and promote professional development.
Ability to Benefit: Adult Dual Enrollment
Provide technical assistance to state systems to scale and sustain Ability to Benefit (ATB) and work within local ATB efforts, bringing partners into dialogue on creating the policies and practices to support adult dual enrollment.
College Success for Single Mothers
Investigating strategies and models that address the needs of single mother learners. The results will lay the foundation for the scalable nationwide implementation of programs and policies that prepare single mothers for career pathway success.
Integrated Education and TrainingÂ
NCTN provides technical assistance to state and regional initiatives to sustain and scale integrated education and training (IET) and delivers professional development for administrators, integrated teaching teams, and college and career navigators.
Building the Foundation: Strengthening Public-Private Systems for Upskilling Workers
Serving as the lead partner in this National Skills Coalition led initiative, the NCTN is assisting local communities in selected states design and implement a variety of upskilling strategies aimed at supporting workers with basic skills gaps achieve economic mobility.
Guided Pathways to Success in STEM (GPSTEM)
Led the curriculum review and redesign process for academic program teams in the Health Sciences and Computer Information Systems/IT fields. The efforts of these two state-wide teams are an integral part of this Massachusetts community college consortium’s initiative.
Transition to College and Careers
Designed to be the first rung in the career ladder for adults who have been out of school for awhile, six pilot sites operating in five states served to bridge learners in Adult Secondary and English for Speakers of Other Languages programs to postsecondary education and training.
Work-Based Education
We develop work-based education programs working collaboratively with employer partners to ensure smooth planning and implementation leading to worker-learner success. Our inclusive process begins with a workplace needs assessment and development of customized, contextualized curriculum with input from all stakeholders. Professional development provides programs with the foundation needed to develop employer partnerships and a work-based education program, locally.