
Monday, November 11, 2019
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Using Integrated Education & Training to Build Quality Career Pathways

Judy Mortrude, Senior Technical Advisor, World Education, Inc. 

Integrated Education and Training (IET) is the core educational strategy for career pathways jointly developed between adult education and occupational skills training partners. IET is a promising practice based in adult learning theory that has evolved over time and that is now codified in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Through IET programs, participants are offered problem-centered, goal-oriented education.

This session will explore IET models, deepen understanding of IET policy, and share concrete action steps for building partnerships, supporting integrated instruction, and funding IET.  Additionally, Erin Berg of OCTAE will provide information on US Department of Education’s efforts to increase the use of Ability to Benefit, supporting dual enrollment for adult learners in basic and postsecondary education.

Judy Mortrude recently joined the World Education team as a Senior Technical Advisor and the LINCS Professional Development Center Director.  Immediately prior, Judy was the Director of the Alliance for Quality Career Pathways and a Senior Policy Analyst at CLASP. She’s been an adult educator for more than for more than three decades – as a part time teacher, local and state program administrator, and national advocate.   

Exploring Resources to Teach Personal and Workplace Success Skills

Sandy Goodman, Director, National College Transition Network 

Personal and Workplace Success Skills are essential to surviving and thriving in the digital world. These are the  critical and creative thinking, problem-solving, systems thinking, communication, self-efficacy, self-regulation, inter- and intrapersonal skills that enable us to be adaptive and agile lifelong learners. Explore and preview instructional materials that will be included in NCTN’s new Personal Success Digital Resource Library and learn about opportunities to contribute to the resource library. 

Sandy provides technical assistance, training, and project leadership on college transition and career pathways initiatives. She works within and across the adult education, workforce development, and community college systems to equip each to better support low-income adults realize their education and career goals. She directs NCTN’s new project to develop a Personal Success Skills Digital Library.

Digital Skills: Essential to College and Career Readiness

Priyanka Sharma, Co-Director, Digital US

What does it mean to be “digitally literate?” If students know how to use their mobile devices, why is it necessary to teach digital literacy and technology skills? Join us at this preconference session, and we will tackle the answers together. We will explore ideas and models for incorporating digital literacy in your programming and share a multitude of tools and resources to help foster your students’ digital skills to help them thrive in their academic, professional, and personal lives. Bring your device and curiosity!

Priyanka Sharma is the Co-Director of Digital US and directs the English Now! project at World Education, Inc. She has over a decade-long track record of providing technical assistance, coaching, and professional development on college and career readiness, career pathway, financial literacy, technology integration and digital literacy.