Findings from the Adult Transitions Longitudinal Study

Watch: Archived Webinar, Part I and Part II

Download: Webinar Slides

Learn about the findings from the ATLAS study, implemented by UMass Amherst and World Education with funding from the Nellie Mae Education Foundation. ATLAS followed over 200 ABE-to-College transition course participants for five years to uncover the factors that influenced them in enrolling, persisting, and succeeding in college.

The question driving this research was: What are the educational outcomes for adults participating in a transition-to-college course, and what are the factors individual, program, institutional that influence these outcomes? In this study, we interviewed 220 adults who participated in one of 11 ABE-to-College transition programs in fall 2007 or spring 2008. We followed them for five years, interviewing them each year, asking them about their college status and about their individual, family, and work lives, to uncover the supports and barriers to enrolling, persisting and succeeding in college. Using both quantitative and qualitative data analysis, this session presents the key findings about transition course program features that support successful college trajectories and findings about factors that help or hinder adult students to go to college. After learning these findings, participants will work with others to discuss the implications of these findings for their own work in college transitions.

Webinar Dates: February 11 & March 4, 2014


Cristine Smith is an Associate Professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Previously, she served as Deputy Director of the National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy.